Saturday, June 25, 2011

Claudios 6/25/11 Greenport, Long Island


Water, Water Everywhere and not a drop to drink.

So nice to perform overlooking the Long Island sound and so different that I felt I was on vacation and nowhere near New York City and I suppose I was right as Rob and myself rented a Zipcar to get to and from this venue in distant Greenport, Long Island so it was quite a day.

Here's how it went.

Prior to arriving in town we passed through lovely Mattituck which I took note of, if you ever need Goat Cheese, Basil, Zucchini or would like to see many wineries in close proximity visit Mattituck. The Dynamic male lead singer and Nifty drummer/percussionist (Cowbell) arrive at Claudio's without incident. We are told by owner and staff of a "sound ordinance" and are asked to keep it down if need be. I set up gear and Eat Shrimps simultaneously. We take "Group" photo's for our website and Industry magazine (also simultaneously). White Wedding plays its first set (of 3) but Rob's ailing voice gives out on him although he does get to do the "Springsteen" medley. Mike, Nancy and J.C. cover for Rob vocally but Rob remains our spiritual ringleader to the audience. I am asked to "keep it down" on the drumkit which is all at once humorous, a nice challenge and very much of an energy saver for my usually overexcited/Speedy Gonzalez self. The crowd LOVES us and are cheering and singing along amidst these obstacles that really only we (the band) are perceiving so critically. White Wedding's third set ends a little early so we regroup and make up a fourth set which includes Elvis Costello's "Peace, Love & Understanding" that we havent played in a few years (and which went off without a hitch). We pack up the gear of which Rob and myself will be returning some to the Callbox via Zipcar before heading home. The band says their good nights and part ways till our next rehearsal.

The two of us are the last to leave and the Zipcar wont start.
The key settles into the ignition switch but will not toggle.

We keep our cool and Rob tries everything as I realize that I know NOTHING about cars (or trucks for that matter) and after about 20 minutes we call the Zipcar 24 hour hotline only to be put on hold (thankfully for just under 10 minutes). At this point Rob has the Laryngitis for the most part and is trying not to speak so I explain to the Zipcar specialist what is happening and yet they insist on speaking to the cardholder, We get some advice to "jiggle the key in the ignition switch while shaking the steering wheel".

This works Gangbusters and we proceed to the Callbox via 7-11 and vineyard country.

Dues being paid, Life is Good.




The Group Shot.


Beer Battered Shrimp flanked by an order of Mozzarella Sticks. Being a Land Lubber I paid instant heed to Rob's suggestion of getting some Fresh Seafood while the gettin' was good but to my dismay our gear arrived at the same time so the food went a tad bit cold on me, Delicious though it remained.

Interesting Food Fact - The Shrimp was de-tailed (and detailed) for easier consumption.

- Spike

Friday, June 24, 2011

Thai Rock 6/24/11 Rockaway Beach, Queens, New York


NOTICE - As White Wedding continue to evolve the time has come to relinquish our onstage monikers back to our real names (Well, In Most Cases) due to the fact that the show has become so bountiful of special guests that theres no reason to confuse aliases.

(Left To Right) - Dave (Diamond Dave), Spike (Animal), Rob (Spicolli), J.C. (Amadeus), Nancy (Billie Jean) and Paul (Ferris).
Our bandleader Mike will be joining us at tomorrow's gig (Claudio's - 6/25/11) so we can take a peek at whom Doc Brown has been hiding behind.


They say Thai Food and Rock Music Bedfellows Shall Never Make !!!
but I for one beg to differ.

Thai Rock which is located overlooking Beautiful Jamaica Bay prides itself on being a Thai Food Restaurant AND "Music House" in which it succeeds. The Doppler was suspecting rain so we did not get to perform outside on the deck this time around. One of our fans Sheila spent her birthday with us and the crowd grew as the night wore on.

Delicious Food, Tasty Wine and one of the nicer venues in Rockaway Beach.
Premiered tonight was the chorus of the Ramones "Rockaway Beach"

Jamie, Rob, Paul, Richard & Spike took the train home in the wee hours only to be annoyed by the presence of "Misteronsomethingandbeingveryvocalaboutitwhiletryingtogothroughthecarsvialockedtraindoor" and instead of being my callous self I was reminded that "Yes, these people can be dangerous and YES they might have a gun"

Mr. OnSomething did Butter me up and easily too.

Upon his possibly tenth or twelfth passing across the train car he did exclaim (upon seeing Paul's guitar case or maybe my hair) toward's my friends and bandmates.

Mr. OnSomething: I like you people, your'e entertainers

(after a pause)

Spike (To Jamie): well,.... that was very nice.
Jamie (To Spike): You are So crazy, do you know that ?, Why are you So crazy ?







Beef Lad Nah - Like Chinese Pan Fried Noodles but the Thai version making it completely different. DELICIOUS but I want what Dave had, The Yellow Curry.

Mind You the Beef Lad Nah Never Stood A Chance and was Completely Imbibed. There were Curry Puff's too, YUM. Great Food Here.



- Spike

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bally Bunion - 6/18/11 Brooklyn, NYC


What a Blast we always have performing at The Bally Bunion. This was Ferris' first show with us in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.





- Animal

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Rocks Off Concert Cruise (SOLD OUT) 6/16/11 - East River, New York


White Wedding's sophomore performance for the Rocks Off Concert Cruise may have been an even bigger success than our previous show. Once again I am extremely proud that we sold out our second showcase on The Jewel but we were also graced with a crowd that may have been livelier than the first time around.

Thing's picked up during our opening set and got fist pumpingly crazier throughout the second. Billie Jean and Spicoli valiantly put on a great performance inches from the faces of the raucous singalong crowd and made sure we got all of our "borrowed" props back as well (tambourines,cowboy hats), Jamie even de-hatted someone right there amongst the throng. The monitor speaker behind my head toppled over during the opening number ("Take On Me") but only caused a quick blemish to my performance. We played Great and Rocked The Boat.

I was the last member onboard (by about 20 minutes!!!) due to my fear of boarding over the "mind the gap" space between the rocking boat and the rocking dock which was "rampless" at the time. Finally I became extremely impatient, overcame my fears, crossed the gap and lived to play in the rocking band.

Premiered at this show (by request) was Fleetwood Mac's "Gypsy" which is currently part of the Stevie Nicks Medley.






Our props started to slowly filter into the audience but found their way back to us. In this photo I spy 4 cowboy hats, 1 DEVO hat and 1 Turning Japanese hat.



It was a lot easier transporting our gear via "Marco Polo Tub" than as piecemeal like we did on our previous visit.
Well, you live and learn.

p.s. - Rocks Off (Prod.) ran out of FOOD by the very end of the night and graciously ordered the band & crew a few Pizza Pies, Gratis.


- Animal

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Staten Island Film Festival 6/12/11 Staten Island, New York


We all rendezvoused on a Sunday summer afternoon at the Hall Of Justice (the Callbox) and carpooled out to what Diamond Dave tells me is our first Staten Island show (and theres no reason to disbelieve him except for the fact that we are well over one hundred show's into this band's career) to perform at the 2011 Staten Island Film Festival awards ceremony and dinner which was held at the lovely Vanderbilt Beachfront Catering Hall.

There was an attentive crowd for our first 30 minute set awaiting the awards ceremonies and then the band adjourned to the green room upstairs (and very nice it was) to return as scheduled an hour later during dinner proceedings for our 60 minute set. Needless to say people were having their Buffet "Dinner" in the next room so we did our job playing the set, running cues and striking our marks and I had a Blast playing a spirited & selfless set.

Speaking for myself there is a self-gratifying triumph when you realize "This Is What You/WE DO" regardless of "self" as the musical muse rises to the occasion fed by the spirit of ensemble playing in this my musical gang of stalwarts and roustabouts.

It wasn't hard to "Egg me on" due to our stage right compatriot entertainers who like us performed with aplomb, exactly as planned and professionally with no acrimony to "Dinner" being served. (aside from the White Wedding band) There were a few 80s ringers (def. 2) hired to keep the festivities going throughout the evening so off to the side was Michael "Thriller Costume" Jackson, Madonna, Generic 80s Girl and Cochise from the film "The Warriors" (who is an awesome dude) gesticulating bravely and gyrating madly keeping spirits high.

On a personal note a member of the wait staff at the Vanderbilt asked me "Is that your real hair ?" which only made me smile so much.


The Weave & The Weft.


The Green Room


Tortellini Tom Tom.


Fancy Plate Nancy.


Doc's Dish.


Pre-Rendezvous I had a Sicilian Slice (middle piece) at Carmines Pizza on Graham avenue.

Peggy O' Neill's 6/11/11 Coney Island, New York


I have heard of Peggy O' Neill's since I can remember, Well at least for the last 25 years since here we were playing the 25th anniversary show. Strategically placed just a few blocks away from the original Nathan's and Keyspan Park this spacious bar has a nice amount of room and was enjoyable to perform at. The band was treated to its youngest Solid Gold Dancers as this was an early show and it was Erin's birthday party so we had some energetic children enjoying the 80s energy.





Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Nutty Irishman 6/4/11 Bay Shore, Long Island


The Nutty Irishman is one of Long Island's premiere club's to play and a testament to arriving at the upper echelon of tribute bands so we were very excited to perform at this establishment. The band delivered a set which seemed to fly by compared to our usual gigs (this was a 75 minute showcase) but was completely high energy and once our sound technician announced "two more songs" towards the end of our set over the P.A. the crowd moved closer to the stage to show their appreciation. Our bartender at the upstairs bar and green room was the lovely Megan who kept us in our cups and wowed us with a locally produced Blueberry Ale. Premiered at this show was Springsteen's "Glory Days".










- Animal

Friday, June 3, 2011

Napper Tandy's - 6/3/11 - Miller Place, Long Island


It was an odd and pleasurable summer experience getting to the Napper Tandys venue at dusk with the sun setting in the sky opposed to complete night as we all rolled out of the car and into the bar. I proceeded to set up my kit (Ludwig Black) and in a fit of pique changed my cymbal setup (see below) but more importantly it was a return show for the band and our first with McFly helming the guitar.

Accolades to THE DJ Pac Man Pookie spinning tunes (hearing that he likes my Foodie pics on Facebook also makes me happy as well), Case Logic Lives, I gave a dollar to a Roll Up Q-Base Guy and didnt take my Roll Up (candy) since he said he was a musician so I "felt for him" I will Never Do This Again, he gains a buck/I gain one less buck, Caught the 5:41 (earlier) as opposed to the 5:53 (later) train (to RONKONKOMA) and couldn't get a seat so I stood while I read MODERN DRUMMER Magazine (JUNE 2011) and did NOT have my (Cheesy Melt Burrito) food until I sat down at "A" Round forty past six, Dropped my stick during the Drum intro to "Call Me" but no one noticed,... WELL... The BAND DID..., McFly singlehandedly wrestled the crowd up onto the dancefloor during our second set and This fits right in with the behavior I have come to expect from my bandmates of late. The Wonton soup was Really Good also.


FACT - this man has learned less than 200 songs in the six weeks since he joined.

O.K. he learned almost a Hundred in that time which is QUITE THE FEAT including Medleys and unique cues!!!
.... plus he likes Twin Peaks.

AND he's a fluid guitar player.




To accomodate Napper Tandys smallish stage which was crowded with mic stands, microphones, XLR cables, amplifiers, pint glasses, tambourines, set lists, effects pedals, cowboy hats, keyboard stand, cymbal bag, gig bag, guitar stands, drum case, back pack, power strip, replacement drum head and a soup container I used a different cymbal configuration which can only be described as garish and unmanageable. (on the left) Hi-Hats, Both Crash Cymbals. (on the right) Ride, China (Zildjian) (All Sabian AAX unless it says its Zildjian)

DOH. switch out the 20" Crash with the China, PROBLEM SOLVED.


Before and Between sets I almost delighted in some Wonton Soup from the Ho Ming Chinese Take Out Restaurant just a few doors down and the favorite of east coast pigeons everywhere.

- Animal