Sunday, February 21, 2010

O' Flanagans - 2/20/10 New York City


Yet another Lively, Energetic and Festive crowd at O' Flanagans enjoying the 80s tunes and dancing to their hearts content. This was A Billie Jean Extravaganza as our fearless singer carried most of the tunes as well as premiering "Goodbye To You" and an Amazing rendition of "Gloria". Spiccoli was away on business so Doc Brown and Amadeus picked up the slack, Towards the beginning of the evening I heard a voice unknown to me speaking through our P.A. only to witness Amadeus at Stage Left commandeering his share of between song onstage banter. A group effort indeed.




Well,... I Wanted to be a Professional Musician.

- Animal

Thursday, February 11, 2010

CRT Lounge 2/6/10 New York City


We performed two sets for the Class of 1988 on 80s night at the CRT Lounge and this crowd was ready for us and by god we were ready for them as energy fed off energy. Lots of singing and non-stop dancing kept us fueled to deliver the goods and I had a nice vantage point to be entertained myself. These photos do no justice to how packed and electric the room was but I popped off a few random "hold the camera over your head, point and shoot" pics even to the detriment of missing my opening cue to Lita Ford's "Kiss Me Deadly" (DONT mention this to the band, I dont think they noticed) .-) Certainly a successful and enjoyable show for all of us.



How Can You NOT Love Mister Two Beers !!!


I thought it was "Melt With You"


The Equipment Is Properly and Safely Loaded.


I Should have never eaten that Cheeseburger right before bedtime.

- Animal