The Bates Hilton at Lewiston, Maine has a very helpful and accommodating work staff amongst pleasant surroundings and a pleasant work staff amongst helpful surroundings (Tim You Rock !!!).
THE PROS - Free Internet service, complimentary cookies at front desk serviette (via tongs), widescreen flat TV (LG), multiple settings on showerhead, Shampoo AND Conditioner (separately) provided by Neutrogena!!!! (a company I have actually heard of), "Boardwalk Empire" flyer.
THE CONS - Room Service/Bar is Not 24 hours, Ice Machine does Not work on the sixth floor (servicing needed), parking lot dimensions not adequate for a swift enough egress of vehicle (with Dave at the wheel) concerning J.C.'s expectations.
of note - my new Nike "Gig" bag and Rob's industrial sized water.
some pre-soundcheck drinks in the lobby, bandmembers not included.
Your Blogmaestro takes his own photo.
The view from Dave, J.C. and Mike's room on the sixth floor (taken with Mike's Iphone)
- Spike
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