Friday, April 27, 2012

Zeppelin Hall 4/27/12 Jersey City, New Jersey


Tonight was all about the audience, it always really is but this was one of those Occasion's that make a band rise to the (errrr........) Occasion. All I know from my vantage point is that the dance floor was never empty and grew full halfway through our second set of which many people remained the rest of the evening during which Diana had her share of "Oglers" and Rob had quite a few "Oglers" himself (including some swooning asian ladies). Thanks to Ardella, Giseli and that guy with the grey t-shirt who can moonwalk for keeping the dance floor infectious and fun tonight.

Stories unique to the night were the fact that Giseli our number one female fan was asked as she gyrated "how much do you get paid ?" by a bar patron thinking that she was hired by the band to create a dance fever atmosphere and also that my friend Ardella arrived wearing a White Wedding t-shirt just as we were giving away a White Wedding t-shirt that she then modeled to the crowd.

Premiered tonight was "You Make My Dreams Come True" by Hall & Oates and "Heaven is a place on Earth" by Belinda Carlisle.

Thanks to the Zeppelin Hall audience tonight for Rocking Out Hard with us.


The Ericmeister Jagermeister Tempomeister whom at one point during tonight's performance turned to me and said "Spike, I'm Going To Kill You" which made him feel much better, me too.

I Love this guy, So honest.


"There goes a Narwhal" ooops wrong band and song thrice times removed.


Diana gives the Triple Mind Mollochio to J.C.


Can you Spot Steve in this photo ?

Hint: He is not behind the Camel.


Our friend and fan Ardella sporting her White Wedding t-shirt.


Zee Blau Speck Burger !!!

8 ounce Angus Beef Burger topped with Melted Blue Cheese and Savory Bacon with Lettuce, Tomato, Onion and French Fries served on top of a snare drum that was 85% eaten before we began our first set. The Blau speck then sat under my floor tom not to be finished until after the finale.

This Is Show # 168

- Spike

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Heritage Bar - 4/21/12 Yonkers, New York


The band played really well tonight and were all very pleased with our performances as a unit and as individuals. Collette rose to the occasion once again and played to the crowd with showmanship and Eric got to meet one of his musical heroes Prince Rogers Nelson who is quite the showman himself (see photo above).

After the show Collette, Rob, Eric and myself had some drinks in the dressing room and discussed the minute details of our individual ensemble contributions, RickRolling, other bands, the universe at large, future songs to cover and Meg White.

... after which Collette found sixty dollars which may or may not have been hers.

Rob ferried us all home in the zip car but for the commuters heading away from Brooklyn it was all Burrito's and brake lights as we passed a large convoy of sedentary police cars with roof lights ablaze in the opposite lane.

For awakening him from his slumber I apologize to Sean for accidentally texting Blog ideas to his phone in the wee hours (and what will he make of it all tomorrow ?).

Also of note David Lee Roth is a bit effeminate in real life so I hear.


Eric giving the Molocchio to Dave for an unknown reason, this is becoming habitual with us.

Is White Wedding becoming Black Wedding ?


Collette fronting the band during the Journey classic "Don't Stop Believing".

There was no one available to take photos at this show so I stepped out from behind the drums during my brief "intro" pause to snap this pic and fortunately got back in time without a hitch.


Living in the Limelight.


J.C. tickles the ivories and was a good sport dodging my flying drumsticks, he did promise to "throw them back the next time" however.

its o.k. I have his red bag for ransom.


The Heritage is a fully stocked bar as well as the home of the best Guinness this side of Dublin. One of our most favorite places to play and a home base of sorts for us.

This Is Show # 167

- Spike

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Resorts World Casino/Bar 360 4/19/12 Queens, New York


Probably the coolest stage we have played on so far Bar 360 at Aqueduct in the Resorts World Casino is definitely an experience and great exposure for a band like ours as the people traffic is pretty constant for those who watch a number or two, Quite a few onlookers really enjoyed the Michael Jackson segment especially well. Then there were those who stayed the entire 3 sets which we very much appreciate. It was a blast to play and have a return engagement and we hope to be back real soon.


Diana Ciccone.


J.C. giving the Malocchio to evildoers everywhere.


I was not able to hear Eric at tonights show so missed out on all the guitar solos I enjoy so much.


Jamie snuck a few rare overhead shots before security asked her to desist.


the view from the bar.


I gave myself extra time to get to the casino but still found no time to get Jamie and myself some dinner, after the first set I passed by to say hello to Steve and Richard and Steve offered me one of his Fish Taco's, Now normally I say "thanks very much but no thanks" but I have been wanting to try the recently trendish Fish Taco for some time so I accepted. Served on a soft Corn Tortilla and quite tasty save for the spicy hot seasoning that I had in the last bite and right before returning to stage. Thanks for the Taco Steve.

"Lets Go Crazy" as seen from beneath the floor tom.

The wheels on the bus they go round and round.

This Is Show # 166


- Spike

Friday, April 13, 2012

Petes Saloon 4/13/12 Elmsford, New York


Our first show with Collette on vocals and she rose to the 80s occasion LIKE TOTALLY. Singing, talking to the crowd and performing with a finely honed finesse that comes with practice, perseverance and professionalism (The 3 P's) it was fun for me to see the "stage" Collette as the musician's in the band only play Loud, Soft, Slow or Fast at rehearsal whereas you don't get to see a front person really performing without a stage and a crowd.

Singing? Yes.
Performing? No.
Not even Marc Bolan or Bowie would,..... o.k. those are very special cases.

it builds a better beast.


With trepidation did I return to Pete's Saloon as they feature a stage perfect for a duo but NOT a Full band (6 of us there are). My previous experience onstage was so cramped that I broke a glass trying to get behind my own drum kit, Tonight went much much better after deciding that removing my Hi-Hat Cymbals from their spindle and stepping over the Hi-Hat and Cymbal stand was preferable to climbing behind my floor tom just to get the F**K in & out from behind the drum kit!!!

We received lots of compliments from the crowd which is always very nice and there were a few Hotties* dancing on the chairs protesting shows end.

After packing our gear up Collette handed me a mysterious weighty backpack that I thought might be J.C.'s but J.C. had left by the time I seeked out his vehicle so I checked the backpack's content's to find various camera's, cable's, boxes' and camera equipment,... not any of our's after which I returned it to the bar.

Then Collette double checked for her left behind Apple Laptop power cord which she found but also returned with a wayward guitar strap that belonged to the club we surmised and returned it to the bar.

Rob was waiting for the Printer/Scanner to come out the back on her return so we decided that Collette is the official innocent "Clepto" of the band, we will be visiting Guitar Center very soon en masse and in disguise.


"Who would cross the bridge of death must answer me these questions three, ere' the other side be seen"


Rob took a sharp turn on the highway and I unwittingly caught this scene in my camera's viewfinder.

This Is Show # 165

- Spike

Friday, April 6, 2012

The Saloon 4/6/12 New York City


Our first show at the Saloon on the upper east side of Manhattan turned out to be one of the shortest in recent memory not to any fault of the band or venue might I add. There was a raffle of ten thousand dollars that we knew was happening and promoted, after setting up we were asked to share the evening with the calling of the ticket numbers so it went kind of like this, White Wedding play 5 or 6 songs/Raffle for 20 minutes, this was repeated twice and then we played our last and third set consisting of 9 songs and finishing up the evening by 11:30 p.m. which was an early night and quite different than our planned 47 song set list, not that any of us are complaining.

And where did Diana get that Cool Belt ? (see above)

Steve was not happy due to the brevity of our sets so we tried paying him off with Money, Texas Chili, a couple of bottles of Cointreau and erasing some gambling debts. Unshakable he turned down all offers but did get a Texas Chili medium size to go.

Playing in little pockets or short displays (much like at the wedding 2 weeks ago) was pretty liberating to me as I played with more relaxed conviction and concentration during my windows onstage and did not find myself thinking ahead 10 songs on our set list.

The Saloon room offered a nice fat drum sound without the aid of miked amplification.


PULL THE STRINGS !!! (announced excitedly in a Martin Landau portraying Bela Lugosi voice)


(L to R) - Dave, Dave's Brother, Dave's Brother.


23h:08m:37s:12ms 04m06d2012y pre-tambourine attack (P.T.A.)


One of our fans decided to have some fun with Cyndi onstage and then became super animated during the Prince segment culminating in her and a friend hitting my cymbals with tambourines which I would usually welcome however the hand cue to end "Purple Rain" was coming up. Thankfully Rob escorted them offstage in a friendly and princely manner just in time for the end of the tune.

So much for being Ching-A-Linged by Hotties.


Keep It Dark.


The Suspender Brothers Are Ready To Rock You.


Prior to the show Jamie, Diana, Dave and myself ordered some Indian food at the bar in Mumtaz which was located right next door to The Saloon and I can Never pass up a Mulligatawny Soup (seen in this photograph as a "to go" item) which while very tasty was loaded with a bit too much pulverized Potato or something that was akin to pulverized Potato. Diana and Dave ordered the Chana Baji (Chick Peas cooked with Onions, Green Pepper & Spices served with Puffed Bread (Poori Bread) and Jamie got an order of Aloo Paratha (Bread stuffed with mildly spiced Potatoes) which was on the contrary "plenty fricckkin' spicy".


Poster and Online flyer for tonight's performance.

Our encore, the newest crowd pleaser Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me".

This Is Show # 164


- Spike