This is the real weepy part of the story beginning Oh my Brothers wherein your narrator and friend had quite the Dickens of a toothache five hours previous to showtime which has always been a timing concern of mine but some Extra Strength Tylenol and a few glasses of Cabernet pulled me through with flying colors, By the time I actually started drumming any dental diversion had completely left me. We had a Great gig at the Bunion and the crowd keeps getting just that much bigger each time we perform there.
Special thanks to the Solid Gold Dancers and to my Simcha who purchased a 40 ounce Colt 45 for me to sip at from behind the drumkit And special thanks to Jamie for taking all the Fantastic pictures.
Of course afterwards I knoshed on some French Fries with Brown Gravy at the local diner which is the toothache friendly food just below Mashed Potatoes and Potato Salad on the list.